Tuesday, September 15, 2009


As you can see, I´ve made some changes to my blog page. Actually, I picked out a whole new template. I hope you like the change.

I´ve also added a Donation button in the right side bar. Hopefully this gets used a lot. :) (hint hint!)
The donations go to a paypal account I set up, and from there are transferred to the Sister´s School account, so if you have Paypal you can donate with that, or you can donate by credit card.

To give you an idea of what your money can do here:
$30,000 = Pay off construction bill
$250 = 1 year of high school
$200 = 1 year of junior high
$150 = 1 year of Kindergarten through 6th grade
$30 = New CD player for a classroom
$25 = One Fan for a classroom
$12 = New book for one class
$10 = Backpack
$10 = 10 notebooks for a student for her 10 classes
$5 = Pens, pencils, erasers, compass, protractor, white out, and carrying case
$3-5 = Spanish/English Dictionary
$0.50= School lunch
$0.20= Bus ride to school
$0.05= Sucker (they love suckers!)

As you can see, any amount you can donate will be very helpful!

Thank you again!

PS - let me know if you have any questions

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