Monday, March 22, 2010

Today I will go...

well, I'm not sure. I made a list of places I want to go. It includes:
  1. Shilin Night Market
  2. Taipei 101 (worlds biggest building)
  3. Yangmingshan National Park (lots of mountains and hiking trails)
  4. Wulai (city to South of Taipei with hiking trail)
  5. Caoling Historic Trail (to the East of Taipei)
  6. Maokong (SE district of Taipei known for tea houses and hiking trails)
  7. Hot Springs
  8. Pinglin (has tea museum where they teach you how to make and drink tea, tea fields you can bike through)
  9. Cycling around Taipei's riverside
  10. North Cross Island Highway (I would have to take a bus down to where this starts, then rent a vehicle. Then stop randomly along the Hwy to check out the waterfalls and trails.)
Today I'm heading to Taipei 101 with my sister and her friend Esther once they're done with work. Until then, I'm not doing anything outside the apartment. That wasn't my plan for today. I did want to go rent a bicycle and cruise up and down the riverfront (there is an awesome bike/walk path set up along the entire river), but that didn't happen.
Why is that? I believe because yesterday I went to Yangmingshan National Park and attempted to climb a mountain. I made it to the park located about 2/3 of the way to the top, at which point the climb seems to get even steeper and I decided to head back while I still had water and functioning legs.

The path up is all steps.
Some areas steeper than others. I appreciated the challenge, but knew I wasn't going to make it to the top. So today is recovery. :)

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