Thanks to the swine flu our school was closed for 2 weeks and Solidea and I took advantage of this time by spending 5 blissful days at the beach. Here are some stories from that time.
(That´s Leo) Yep, just the one. Luckily, they had purchased other fish ¨just in case¨they didn´t catch anything.
(Charlie Brown is on the left, the Jose, then Sergio) You should have seen the rice, they put an entire bag in one little pot. We watched it grow, but it never did fall out of the pot, and it tasted good in the end.

1) We stayed at the same house as usual with the family of Pedo - they have 3 rooms set aside for travelers. Two of the nights we were there we returned to the house to find the door locked and everyone inside asleep. Two nights we passed the night on the beach with our friends from El Tunco, a.k.a. The Tunc.
2) Soli and I nicknamed El Tunco, The Tunc.
3) I stood up on my surfboard for, like, 3 seconds! Then I learned that standing up on a surfboard is not such a big deal as I thought. Turns out Soli and I are just really bad! But I blame it on the fact that we never actually surf 2 consecutive days in a row. More like once every 2 weeks.
4) We had dinner with friends and they went fishing to catch our dinner. Here is what they caught.

5) The guys cooked for us. Had a pretty good time doing it too.

Here we are waiting for our dinner. We provided all the ingredients for the guys, except the fish, so we got to sit and enjoy the wine. The girl in the center is Prisca, she was our new friend from Germany. So sad that she can´t stay for, ohhhh, another 6 months. We got along great.
6) We met Ruben. I don´t have any pictures, but he is a hoot. He´s a hippie who cut off his dreadlocks for his mom on his last birthday and can tell you all about the affects marijuana has had on his memory, but he still remembers our names. :)
7) We were eating dinner at high tide, had just received our food, and a wave came crashing up over the side of the wall of the restuarant (roughly 3 foot tall wall) and doused us with sandy water. 

8) Random art in our room. It says ¨Without the hammer, there is no food.¨ I find it inspiring, if somewhat cryptic and well, disturbing.

Without the hammer...there is no food. WHAAAT? That makes no sense at all! Maybe it was a marijuana-inspired quote or something. Or drunken quote.
I don't know, I think standing up on a surfboard is a pretty big deal considering you're a gringo from The UP of Michigan! It may not be a big deal down there, but I think it's pretty awesome!
Yeah, that´s homemade art for you in El Salvador.
And thank you! I´m still pretty proud I stood up too! I´ll let you know the first time I ride an entire wave!
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