Monday, November 16, 2009

La Ultima Vez

My last blog from El Salvador. I leave in the morning!!

It hasn´t hit me that I´m leaving for good. I´m sure it will come pretty soon. Maybe when I´m on the plane.

Gonna miss the community of volunteers here. I have had a great time getting to know Gina and Jodi and traveling around with Gina has been great. We spent the night camping on a mountain we hiked with a couple other volunteers in Santa Ana last weekend. How I miss campfires and campfire stories!

Today the Sister´s took Gina and I to view ruins (Joya de Cerén) in Sonsonante. Which would have been great, if they were open. Mondays are their day off. Instead, not wanting to give up so early in the game, we hopped on Ruta de los Naranjos and basically toured the western half of the country. (El Occidente) Luckily, I packed and organized everything in my room this morning, because we didn´t get back until 9pm tonight. Those crazy ladies, once you get them outside the school, they don´t want to go back! :) I´m gonna miss them.

I´m leaving El Salvador much lighter than when I came - luggage wise. Most of my clothing and toiletries will be remaining in the country. I´m leaving them for the local Vides group to give on Saturday when they go out to help those most affected by Hurricane Ida.

Speaking of which, to date I have received $232.00 in donations!!!
Thank you to everyone who has donated! The Sister´s really appreciate the money and I told them I would be sure to send more later, so your help is still needed!

See you soon!

1 comment:

Andii Sourire said...

Karina!!!! I didn't see you yesterday! I send you the BIGGEST HUG... abrazo de OSO el más fuerte=)!!! I hope you had had a great time sharing with everyone here in El Salvador. Believe me you helped me a lot ;) ... Thank you for all. I will send you messages every time I can. I hope to be in contact with you! God bless your life and remember you are in my prayers. take care and millions of hugs for U!!!