Wednesday, August 19, 2009


There has been quite a bit of drama over my stolen computer. The one Interna who was at the school (whom I shall call Lily) when my computer was stolen received the brunt of the accusations. I had talked to Lily to ask her point blank if she had broken into my room and taken my computer. She told me no. I believed her. I believed her because I never suspected her in the first place. I´ve known her for 7 months and she is not the type of person to steal. At any rate, I informed her that the principle would be talking to her as well and explained why the Sister´s believed she could have taken it. She acknowledged what I said and we continued with our day.

The next day is the day my license went missing and then mysteriously reappeared - something Lily could not have done. And yes, I do believe the license and the computer are connected. I didn´t get a chance to tell the principle about this before she talked to Lily. I heard from the other interna´s how upset Lily was by the conversation and I learned from Lily how the principle accused her of taking the computer - which wasn´t done very nicely.

Unsure if they were going to take steps to punish her for a crime she didn´t commit and for which there was no hard evidence to convict her, I finally got a hold of the principle two days later (she is hard to get a hold of!). I explained what happened with the license and everything seems to have been dropped now. Lily feels better and for that, so do I.

As to what happened to my computer, who knows. I only hope the people who have it erased everything to resell it so that none of my sensitive information gets used. Really don´t want identity theft!

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