Saturday, August 15, 2009

Open Doors

The battle became legendary in its proportions. First, the keys for the door were useless in our efforts to open my bedroom. Next, we tried putting flat objects in the space between the doorknob and the wall to no avail. Several Sister´s tried shoving every key in the house (of which there are 10 million, give or take) into the doorknob, but the door refused to reveal it´s contents. With my head hung low, I headed to my next class only to discover that one of the Sister´s had set up presentations with the students during my class time, so I had no students to teach. In desperation, I called to Solidea and together we approached - the ¨Door.¨

Mighty and imposing it appeared. A hapless key caught in it´s maw, sat in the lock with it´s keychain dangling listlessly, a victim to the demonic door. Without reserve Solidea quickly tried several implements to unlock the door to no avail. Not wasting any time, she moved on to the next prospect - time to take out our frustrations on the door!

5 minutes later the door stood open and broken. Victory!

We ended up using a chair to knock off the doorknob. Once we figured out how the inside components worked, we had the door open and then gleefully tore off the handle on the inside as well. So, while my room is hardly secure at this point, we had a lot of fun destroying the doorknob and laughing at our ridiculous ideas to open the door. Don´t worry, if needed I will pay for the doorknob, I´m just happy to be able to enter my room again.

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