Saturday, February 21, 2009

Things That Bite

Yesterday the sisters and I made a discovery about the bites I’ve been receiving – they are not from mosquitos. New found evidence made the theory of mosquitos highly unlikely. What new found evidence you might ask? Enormous bites on my arm. First, like any good investigation, we should review the history.

When I went to bed Wednesday night, there were no bites on my arm. When I woke up, there were three along the forearm. They were biggish, but not overly alarming. I assumed they were bites from the Evil mosquitos. To document the effects of the Evil mosquitos, I took this picture.

Over the course of the next two days, the area affected by the bites grew to a rather alarming size. Observe.

I found that scratching them also increases their size. Go figure.

Since they are on the side of my arm I don’t usually look at, it wasn’t until lunch on Friday that one of the Sister’s pointed it out to me. At dinner, another Sister, who saw the bites for the first time, said they were from Pulgas. Fleas. Perdon? Fleas. After a lengthy discussion about various bugs that could have bitten me I stripped my bed and immediately washed all the bedding. I had showered before dinner, so I didn’t repeat that. That night, I did not receive a bite. Apparently, I was not bitten by Chinches (bed bugs), and thank goodness, because apparently those bites hurt a lot. Mine don´t hurt, just itch on occassion. Sister Marg. Guillen drew me a picture of one and it has a big set of pinchers. Eeeeh!
I know, my first photos. Not so pretty. Let me see if I can get more loaded on here somewhere.


Anonymous said...

um...first earthquakes and now fleas, when can i come visit? love ya girl, hang in there.

Tanya said...

Yeesh! I haven't had the flea bites yet (to my knowledge). I have been bitten by the mutant subtropical mosquitos that live here and I have had a couple bites swell to the size of yours. One in particular itched like mad for a few days. Tiger balm was the only thing that helped.
I'm glad to hear they don't hurt.