Sunday, February 22, 2009

People I´ve Met

I´ve been here 5 weeks, so who have I met? Well, I don´t have any good pictures of the sisters, so let me introduce some other people first.
Here we have myself, Eneyda (I thought it was spelled like this: Aneda, if that helps your pronunciation), and Solidea. Eneyda is about the average height of women here in El Salvador, 5 ft. I´m the average height of a man, 5´5¨. Solidea is just tall. I think she is 5´9¨.

Here are my American volunteer friends. I´m on the left with my new, nifty Vides shirt from El Salvador. Sydney is in the middle, she is also tall and has blond hair, stands out in a crowd here. On the right is Molly, she is volunteering in Honduras, which is where she left her Vides shirt. Shame, shame. I love them. We are a support group, although both of them have been here for 1 year already, so really it´s a support Karina group. :)

This is a cat that lives at the House. I can´t remember the cat´s name, but she is pregnant and when she wants attention meows a lot. She scares us by sneaking into the kitchen when we are eating and rubs against our legs. Every so often around the dinner table you see someone give a start and then look under the table. Then we all shoo the cat out. (don´t want her to get used to being fed from the kitchen table) Rather enjoyable.


Tanya said...

Spiffy new friends. : )
I miss having a kitty. : (

Anonymous said...

yeah, a gato! and soon to be kittens, looks like there will be orange ones too from the looks of the mama. ;) give it a little love from me. thanks.