Thursday, September 10, 2009

Buenas Dias

This last week of Buenas Dias has been dedicated to a different Central America country each morning. First was Guatemala, then Honduras, Nicaragua, and today we learned about Costa Rica. The students present the information, usually 3 classes work together to gather and present the info in various ways such as dances, skits, music and, of course, verbally relaying the information. They are interesting, but because this takes at least an hour each morning,(and my feet get sore from standing) I´ve started taking a bit more time to myself in the mornings after breakfast.

See, everybody in the house and school goes to Buenas Dias (except the workers) so the house is very quiet. This morning, Chispa (the puppy) fell asleep under my chair at breakfast, so after breakfast after everyone had left the dining room, I picked her up and pet her while she slept in my lap. Very relaxing. I love that dog.

I did, eventually, go to the Buenas Dias. And FYI - it seems the ¨typical¨ food of Costa Rica is pretty much everything! I think the student recited foods for at least 2 minutes. Amber (another teacher) and I had a good laugh about that.

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