Monday, September 14, 2009

Bus Stop

Fun story for the day:
I walked to the supermarket and picked up some items for myself and for the school. I had 3 bags when I left so decided to take a bus back to the school since 3 bags is somewhat cumbersome when walking down crowded sidewalks - and it´s just asking someone to rob you.

I got on a bus outside the supermarket and it was relatively empty. As we progressed painfully slowly down the street about 50 more people jumped on the bus so that the seats and the aisle were packed with people. I was sitting in the front seat.

Generally, when exiting a bus, you leave through the back door (most busses have 2 doors) as the front door has the little roundabout where you pay and then walk through - like at amusement parks or concerts. Since so many people were on the bus and I sat as far away from the back door as possible, my chances of shoving through all the people with 3 bags of groceries before my stop were impossible. However, nothing stood between me and the front door except a few bars and a roundabout thingy.

I yelled to the driver my stopping point just before reaching the school, told him I would be exiting through the front, hopped the bars, pulled my bags after me, and jumped off the bus. Easiest possible exit. Yea me. :)