Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dancing for a Dream

I'm sorry, but I have to comment on this television show here. Bailando por un sueno, it's like Dancing with the Stars with a famous person and a professional dancer. I mention it because I love to watch Dancing with the Stars and when I discovered this show (the Sister's like to watch it, as do the students) I got really excited!

However, I am very disappointed. wow. It's just, well, really bad. I expected better from Latin America. The Latin dances are not so bad, at least, not as bad as other forms such as Hip Hop (good heavens!) and Electric!

I don't completely blame the dancers since they don't choreograph their own dances, there is a choreographer for each dance partner. Really, some terrible choreography. I wish I had a video clip to show you but I can't find any on youtube specific to El Salvador. I don't mean to say all the dances are bad, I mean, I realize the Stars are learning to dance, which is the point, but there is a difference between someone learning with faulty footwork and just really bad choreography. Really bad. Wish I had that Hip Hop dance clip. So bad.

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