Friday, June 12, 2009


During our time here teaching English Solidea and I have also been teaching an additional English class every Friday for the Juniors to help reinforce what was taught in English during the week. This is called the Refuerzo or Reinforcement class. Since we have been teaching this class from the beginning of the school year we were a bit surprised when we entered the class two weeks ago and another teacher had the class quietly working in groups.

Standing in a dazed and confused way some of the students took pity on our uninformed status (since the teacher wouldn't talk to us and seemed upset that we had even entered the classroom - FYI, this is not a full time teacher, I had never seen her before, so she is not a reflection of the other teachers who are quite nice) and told us they no longer have reinforcement English classes, now they have a different reinforcement subject every month.

Taking our cue, we left the class much bewildered and wondered, "what does this mean we have to do now?"

Turns out we have to start another reinforcement class with another grade we are teaching, the one doing the worst in English. Today we start our first reinforcement class with 8th grade.


Tanya said...

Seriously, the lack of communication would drive me crazy. Real mature of the other teacher to not even talk to you. How hard would it have been for her to explain. Good grief.

Erin O'Connor said...

what on EARTH?? why wouldn't they let you know about that before hand? and why wouldn't they just have the new teacher teach the new class? the lack of organization and communication at that school is unbelievable!!

Karina said...

Yeah, I'm not sure why the other teacher didn't speak to us, but whatever.

The class being taught is a reinforcement class, so it covers whatever was taught in the regular class during the week, it's not a new subject. Maybe this teacher does teach during the week as well, there seem to be a few teachers who only teach one or two classes during the week. Part time, teach on the side kind of thing. I have only seen them, haven't talked to them.