Monday, June 29, 2009

Ruta de las Flores

Solidea and I took a tour yesterday through Ruta de las Flores. It is a road that runs through the mountains in Western El Salvador and is quite breathtaking. We stopped at a restaurant for breakfast that had a walking path filled with flowers,

(yeah, I did take this picture of the flower, and no, I don't know why it turned out so incredibly cool! But I'm not arguing)a small village with an impressive view,

hiked to a waterfall, and then stopped in Juayua for a festival going on at the time. This is the only picture I took at the festival - horses with diapers to keep their poo from littering the streets. :)

While I failed to take pictures at this point, we did meet a nice artisan named Erik. He told us about another festival in Santa Ana in July. Santa Ana is close to where Sydney - other American volunteer - is, so we might just head out that way.

1 comment:

Erin O'Connor said...

horses with diapers! That's AWESOME! They need those on Mackinaw Island!!!