Saturday, June 27, 2009

Teacher's Meeting

Today we had a meeting of the teachers. This is the second I have attended (missed one because I was off getting tested for my amoeba:) and I found this one about as useful as the first. What does that mean? About 3 1/2 hours of useless meeting time. But, that could just be my North American perspective. Let me describe:

The meeting is automatically 4 hours long from 8am - 12pm. Right away, that's a bad sign, and that's just how the meetings are set up. You would think, since the school is shutting down for 2 weeks that we would need a meeting, and we did discuss the school shutdown for roughly 20 minutes. After that, everything had been decided, and we moved on to forming groups, reading chapters from a book, and answering questions about those chapters regarding the Salesian Family. Sound like a class? Yeah, felt like one too. Then at the end we share the answers to our questions so everyone knows what was discussed in the entire book, which, according to the questions, is the same thing in every chapter. None of which was tied into teaching. Seemed like a time filler to me.

And that was our meeting. Oh, and then we talked about problems with the girls wearing makeup. I was desperately hot at this point and didn't have any water so I left, lay down in my room for 20 minutes, drank some water, filled a water bottle, and returned to the meeting. Guess what they were talking about at this point? Girls wearing makeup. Right.


Anonymous said...

omg. sorry, but that sounds so horrible it is almost laughable. ugh... i had those at MCC, too. we had teacher work days there where we'd have to sit in the library with no agenda for hours and hours and hours. it was hellish.


havalittlcourage said...

Wow...sounds like Brandon's mandatory teacher meetings. Sheesh! That is crazy that they are closing your school for so long - what will you do with your time? Will they allow you to go have fun on your own?

I thought of you yesterday. It was 101 degrees (NOT factoring in humidity) - the weather site said "Feels like 115". UGH! So hot. And I was SO bored inside that I insisted on going outside...we lasted about a half hour in the Nature Reserve before returning to the air-conditioned car. Baby Dominic does NOT like 115 degree weather! :)

I miss you.

Karina said...

Ah! Melissa, they were talking about having the teachers come in for an undetermined time to plan their classes for the upcoming weeks. Why on earth? I think we've all been doing just fine without planning sessions for the past 6 months.

As for the heat - Katie, I'm sorry, that's really hot. I don't believe we have such high humidity in San Salvador, just no relief from the heat except the shade. :)