Monday, March 23, 2009

Do you think I'm fat?

Will everyone still love me when I weigh 200 lbs? Maybe I'm exaggerating, a smidge, but I'm thinking I'll be at least 10 lbs heavier by the time my year is done. I'm already flabby and the food here is conducive to weight gain. Add into the mix no physical activity and you have a fat making machine.

So much of the diet here is based on carbs; they have tortillas with every meal if possible, and for lunch they usually have rice, pasta, tortillas, and sometimes add in sliced bread as well. They take the first level of the food pyramide seriously here! I noticed this right away, but slowly I've succumbed to the call of the carbs. And the evidence is my growing belly.

Which brings up another point, people here are not shy about size. They like to say "You're fat" and "I'm fat" to whoever happens to be around. Not for the faint of heart or the low of self esteem! The first word Sor Margarita Guillen asked me to translate was "gordo" and then all the sisters took great delight in telling each other they were fat. I then taught them the word "overweight." I think they like fat better.

The good news is, my clothes still fit, so there is still a chance to save myself! I have evaluated what I eat each day and am now attempting to 1)shy off the enthusiastic serving portions the cook likes to dole out, 2)substitute protien for carbs in my meals, or just forgo certain foods all together.

With luck, I will only occupy one plane seat when I return to my homeland!


Anonymous said...

Go Karina!! Fight the bulge! Don't worry, 10 pounds heavier is FAR from being fat. That's funny that the sisters like to call each other fat!

I know you can't go out and exercise but I could send you a few exercises you can do in your room if you wanted. They are ones i do myself for my back and they are tough!!!

Karina said...

Hey, what the hell, any help you can send my way. I may not always do the exercises, but at least I'll have them. :)
