Sunday, March 29, 2009


Last night, after returning from the beach, I sat down to dinner with the Sister's. After dinner they turned on the TV (the only TV, it's in the dining room) and lo and behold, there was a soccer game on between El Salvador and the USA! The game was live and taking place in San Salvador (which would account for the heavy traffic we met when returning from the beach.)

I immediately started cheering for the USA as it was 1 - 0 in favor of El Salvador. The Sister's, not to be outdone, quickly took up the cheer for El Salvador. Let the trash talk begin! Did I mention the Sister's have been teaching me bad words in Spanish? I love these ladies.

We caught the game in the second half. El Salvador scored another goal (NO!) but then the USA came and made two goals. 2-2, the pressure builds and time winds down. I boast of the skill of the North Americans to pull together at such a late stage of the game, to which the Sister's reply the USA is only scoring because the goalie for El Salvador had been switched. Hmm... truuuuueee, that and half the El Salvador team had to be carried off the field due to injuries in the second half, and so the USA was playing second string players, but all that aside, the game ended in overtime as a tie: 2-2.

Great dinner!


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl,
You sound like you have a lot of fun with those religious ladies except when eating. I enjoy hearing your stories, keep em coming.
talk to you later,

Karina said...

Except when eating? Or especially when eating? :)