Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Teaching Uniform

So this morning the lady who works with the man who tailer made all the uniforms for the teachers found me and told me she has my uniform. Her timing couldn´t have been better as I was on my way to my first class. Well, uniforms wait for no man, so I went with her to try them on (I did manage to run to class first, take attendance, and give something for the class to work on).

I tried on the pants. Polyester. I tried on the shirts. Polyester. I tried on the vest and the jacket. Polyester. In all honesty, I started to sweat just trying the clothes on! How are the other teachers already wearing these? It is 90 degrees today and this is the normal temperature. I am going to die of heat stroke in the middle of a class. At least the pants and one of the shirts were too small so I can´t wear my uniform for another week. The cook told me today that this is summer and in May the winter starts and it cools down. When I looked up average temperatures during the winter in El Salvador it listed 73 degrees. That would be wonderful!

At any rate, I don´t think I´ll have the vest or jacket on until the temperature falls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haven't they ever heard of COTTON! :) poor karina...

-Melissa A